Marina Warner


Friday 7 February, In Conversation: Rachel Kneebone and Marina Warner at the Fitzrovia Chapel, Roberts Institute of Art, 7-8pm, More here!

Join us for a lively discussion between exhibition artist Rachel Kneebone and celebrated author Marina Warner exploring how the key themes of In Attendance: Paying Attention in a Fragile World at the Fitzrovia Chapel connect to Kneebone’s and Warner’s practices.

From Kneebone’s intricate process of working with porcelain to Warner’s insights on the power of storytelling, this conversation offers a chance to delve deeper into the ideas behind the artworks and the exhibition.

There will also be the opportunity to hear Marina talk about a short story she wrote in response to Paula Rego’s drawing in the exhibition. The conversation will be chaired by RIA curator, Yates Norton.

This is one of three events taking place alongside the exhibition. You can also join us for a Panel Discussion on The Politics and Poetics of Attention (23 January) and an Evening of Music with Violinist Angharad Davies (30 January).

Linder in Conversation with Marina Warner, Friday 14 February, 7pm, Purcell Room at Queen Elizabeth Hall (Tickets from £10)

From Linder’s involvement in Manchester’s punk scene to her mantic stains inspired by British Surrealist Ithell Colquhoun, she is one of the foremost feminist artists of her generation.

In this discussion, Linder and Warner explore gender, the body and consumer culture’s influences, and the surreal and mythological realms which are a great source of inspiration for them both.

Linder is known for her photography, radical feminist photomontage and confrontational performance art. She focuses on questions of gender, commodity and display. Her photomontage practice combines everyday images from domestic and fashion magazines with pornography and archive material.

More information here!